The real estate Loan Calculator is useful to determine how much your monthly or bi-monthly loan payment will be. Simply multiply the monthly amount by 12 to determine how much your loan payment will be for a year.

Calculations not included: PMI and property taxes. Note: California State Sales Tax is 1% of sales price PMI (Mortgage Insurance) Apx. 1.5 percent of the loan if your down payment is less than 20%. Note: PMI and interest are Tax-deductible.

Check out other Useful information at David Norwood Central Coast Services: Utilities, First Class Postage Online with Tracking Number, School Information. Also I wrote a great Blog Called SAVE $10,000 BY BUYING A HOME COMPARED TO RENTING with a chart showing how money you will save by buying a home.
Calculations not included: PMI and property taxes. Note: California State Sales Tax is 1% of sales price PMI (Mortgage Insurance) Apx. 1.5 percent of the loan if your down payment is less than 20%. Note: PMI and interest are Tax-deductible.
Of course, after you use the calculator, you will want to buy a home here on the central Coast. Start at the beginning here – CENTRAL COAST HOMES FOR SALE
Out of Town and you want to receive more information or more photos of a home you think you love. Give me a call I will be happy to provide you with a video of any home you like. I will upload your private video to YouTube that you will be able to view.