There are several reasons to Google Home Addresses, and if you are selling your home or looking for a home it is essential.
For many, it is common to search the internet to find products or services, but it is less common to search or Google home addresses. Homeowners will benefit from searching their address, or an address of a home they plan on buying and this is why:
See If Megan’s law registrants live nearby – Megan’s Law requires law-enforcement to provide information regarding registered sex offenders.
Find crime reports for your home. A Google search for your address and “crime reports” will likely turn up a police crime map and statistics about crime in your neighborhood.
Detect scammers trying to rent or sell your home. Scammers may compose fake listings offering your property for rent or lease-to-own. Often at extremely low prices or terms.
Get a copy of your home’s property records. Online records about your home are from public records. Often so old, they do not reflect accurate details about your home. If you discover inaccuracies in online reports, I recommend you contact the SLO county public records. They will let you know how to correct these problems. This is very important, especially if you are considering selling your home.

Look at home on Google street views. When considering selling your home, it is important to see what prospective home buyers will see. You may discover that the map is not accurate or your home not listed. Buyers often Google the location of a home for sale. If you are not on the map, or in the wrong location, you may have problems selling your home.
If you are buying a home Google Street Maps will put you right in from of the home without getting in to your car. Google Street Maps is an amazing tool. You will be astonished to find that the photos of the home taken by the realtor does not look like the home from the street. If you do not know how to use Google Street maps, O wrote a blog that will guide you; HOW TO USE GOOGLE STREET MAPS
Out of Town and you want to receive more information or more photos of a home you think you love. Give me a call at 805-270-5860 and I will be happy to provide you with a video of any home you like. When completed, I will upload your private video to YouTube.