If you are buying a home you will need to contact the all of the local utility companies before you close escrow to change your central coast local utilities. After you have a projected closing Date, let the utility companies know that you will be transferring the utilities into your name. Once the seller cancels their services it will then change to your name.
The most important Central Coast local utilities are Electricity Water and Gas. If these services are cancelled and not transferred, you may have to pay and start up fee to get your power and gas turned back on. Both the companies allow you to register online or you can call customer service.
ELECTRICITY – PG&E Pacific Gas and Electric – 800-743-5000
GAS – Southern California Gas Company – 800-427-2200

You will need to call or go into the offices of the water departments in the city you are buying the home to get your water service transferred. Some cities require a deposit. When you are in escrow I will send the information on where to call depending on which city the home you are buying is in.
DMV Department of Motor Vehicles You will need to contact the DMV to change your address for your car registration and drivers licence. This is very important, as if you do not pay your DMV on time the fine is relatively high. You will be able to make DMV changes online or go in the the downtown San Luis Obispo Office 3190 S Higuera St. Below is a link if you need to Renew your Drivers licence or register to VOTE in San Luis Obispo County. The DMV does not provide the Required DL 44 from on the DMV web site, so I decided to provide The from on my Web Site.
California DMV Driver License and ID Renewal -Voter Registration Forms DL 44
Apply Online: California Driver’s License / ID Card Application
The Central Coast local services for TV, Phone, Internet and Newspaper are: DirecTV, AT&T, USmobile Cell phone Service, Spectrum, and The Tribune
SPECTRUM – INTERNET, CABLE TV AND VOIP PHONE – is the fastest internet provider on the the Central Coast which and only local Cable TV provider. Spectrum also provides VOIP home telephone services.
USMOBILE Cell PHONE: AT&T, VERIZON, AND T-MOBILE FOR ONLY $8 PER MONTH – I switched to this MVNO when I got a $40 bill. I am very happy with the service.
GOOGLE FI – Is a great International and Local Cell phone services. Call Mexico and Canada for at not additional cost. The first month is free and you can put the account on pause at any time to use when what. You can use it as a backup cell phone service simply by switching out the provided Free Sim Card. I use Google Fi for international and as a backup cellular service.
AT&T – LANDLINE AND CELLULAR – is the only local Landline telephone service. At&t also provides Cellular Phone service, which is overpriced, compared to Puretalk reseller. Additionally, At&t provides internet, but currently at a very slow connection speed (3 Mbps) in San Luis Obispo County.
DIRECTV – SATELLITE TV – Call 866-969-4534
THE TRIBUNE- NEWSPAPER is the Central Coast local major newspaper. To obtain the lowest price, you need to ask for 1/2 the of the normal price and the sales staff will normally accommodate.
Of course you will want to buy a home on the Central Coast before transferring the utilities and here is a list of homes at David Norwood-Central Coast Real Estate